Siemens 5075 DCA Vantage Hemoglobin A1C Analyzer *R*

Siemens 5075 DCA Vantage Hemoglobin A1C Analyzer *R*

  • $2,896.50

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Siemens DCA Vantage Hemoglobin A1C Analyzer

Drive diabetes patient compliance using the DCA Vantage Analyzer with clinically proven HbA1c1, Albumin and Creatinine tests and Albumin-to-Creatinine (A:C) ratio results. Simple enough to use in your office or clinic, and yet powerful enough to deliver lab-quality performance at the point of care.
  • Only 1uL of whole blood needed for HbA1c testing
  • HbA1c results in 6 minutes. Receive actionable results during the patient visit reducing follow-up time and increasing diabetes patient compliance
  • Microalbumin testing allows for early detection of kidney disease – results available in 7 minutes
  • No sample or reagent preparation needed allowing for simple and efficient operation
  • Printed patient records and electronic transmission to LIS or electronic medical record allows for reduced transcription errors
  • Trending graphs enable more comprehensive patient disease management

The analyzer leverages robust technology and delivers the proven performance of the DCA HbA1c and DCA Microalbumin/Creatinine tests highlighted in over 100 clinical articles. Provide the clinical confidence you and your patients deserve by adopting the DCA Vantage system, the analyzer used by three out of four physicians who perform HbA1c testing in their office.

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