Hemoglobin A1C Tests
Welcome to the Mohawk Medical Mall Hemoglobin A1C Tests Store!
Product Code: CLA-HBS50
The Clarity HbCheck Hemoglobin Cartridges are to be used with the Clarity HbCheck Hemoglobin Testing..
Product Code: CLA-HB2
The Clarity HbCheck Hemoglobin Testing System is for the quantitative determination of hemoglobin in..
Product Code: 111902
HemoCue 111902 Hb 801 Microcuvettes are intended to be used with the HemoCue Hb 801 Analyzer St..
Product Code: HB1PROMO
This starter set includes 1 each HemoCue Hb 801 Hemoglobin Analyzer and 1 Box of microcuvettes (200 ..
Product Code: 5075US
Siemens DCA Vantage Hemoglobin A1C AnalyzerDrive diabetes patient compliance using the DCA Vantage A..
Product Code: 5075US Starter Kits
Siemens DCA Vantage Hemoglobin A1C AnalyzerDrive diabetes patient compliance using the DCA Vantage A..
Product Code: 5035C
Siemens 5035 DCA Vantage Hemoglobin A1C Test Kits are used in a DCA 2000+ or DCA Vantage Analyzer..
Product Code: 3015-100
The Alere HemoPoint® H2 Microcuvettes provide a quantitative determination of hemoglobin in capillar..
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 (1 Pages)