Fecal Occult Blood Tests
Our fecal occult blood test kits offer a reliable method for detecting hidden blood in stool, an early indicator of gastrointestinal issues. Ideal for screening and preventive health, they provide fast, accurate results to support early diagnosis and intervention.
Clarity IFOB Rapid Test Kit - Bx30
Product Code: CLA-IFIT30
No Food, Vitamin, or Iron Restrictions Greater Sensitivity 0.05µg hHB/ml (Monoclonal Antibody) Bui..
Hemoccult FOBT Blood Test Screening Kit Box40 Tests
Product Code: 61130
Hemoccult® slides are designed so patients can collect serial specimens at home from bowel movements..
Hemoccult Single Slide Blood Test Bx100
Product Code: 60151
Kit Hemoccult FOB with Test Slides Sticks and Developer 60151- Bx/100 Beckman Coulter Rapid diagno..
Hemoccult FOBT Test Barrier Mailing Pouch - Ca100
Product Code: 62200
Hemoccult® Mailing Pouches are used with the Hemoccult® fecal occult blood test line. They are ..
Hemoccult FOBT Blood Test Developer 15ml Bottle
Product Code: 62115
Hemoccult FOBT Blood Test Developer 15ml Bottle..